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Audit Log
  • ManageEngine User Academy

Help Desk Technician Audit Log

The Help Desk Technician Audit Log is an accessibility feature designed for auditors/administrators to take a detailed look at what occurred in the ADManager Plus system.

An Audit Log is a file/document which maintains the details of all AD Management activities like Password reset, User deletion, Creation/Modification of User accounts, etc., performed using ADManager Plus.

Audit Logs are quite handy in the sense, you can actually trace down to who did what and when and aslo detect problems / errors associated with the failed jobs. The logs are maintained in separate folders relating to the appropriate user who has performed the job. A chronological review of the AD Management activity is also made simple and feasible by this easy to use feature of ADManager Plus.

Get the free download of ADManager Plus trial version to know how the help desk technician audit logs or reports can help in hassle-free tracking of all actions performed in your Active Directory. An Audit Log essentially contains the following details about any task that was performed:

  • Who
  • What
  • When

Who of the Task

The details of the person who had performed an AD Management task is also tracked in the Audit Log file. If the task was performed by the Administrator, the log gets stored in admin under technician folder. For a Help Desk Technician, the logs get stored in a folder named after the Technician and his associated domain. For example, John-ADMP means that this folder contains the logs which got generated while the Help Desk Technician, John initiated AD Management Tasks in the ADMP domain.

When of the Task

Audit files save the Date and Time of Event occurrence. This serves as a useful resource to find out the time of occurrence of a AD Management Task, at a later date.

What of the Task

Audit Logs store information about the task that was performed while the event got triggered. Details of all those attributes, whose values were updated gets recorded in the Log file for future reference. For example, if a user is moved from one Organizational Unit to another using ADManager Plus, the audit log generated will contain the details of the source and destination OUs under the From and To headings respectively.

Archiving help desk audit reports

Audit reports can be archived to be retrieved later for compliance to legal requirements or company policy. ADManager Plus allows the admin to customize the archive interval, the retention period and location of the archives. The archives can be retrieved by selecting the desired archive from the list, help desk technician and the period for which the audit report has been archived. This report can be exported in PDF, HTML, XLSX and CSV formats.

Audit Reports provides details of any AD Management task performed by help desk technicians using AD Manager Plus. The audit reports enables tracking of the status of the task/operation performed by the technician, the object name, category of the action, etc,. that help you closely monitor events like Password Resets, Users Deletions, Users Creation/Modification etc., Audit reports displays the module that was used by the help desk technicians, such as Automation or AD Management while performing the assigned actions.

Want to delegate an Active Directory task to your Help Desk Technician? Learn more about Help Desk Delegation

Keep track of technicians? activities with audit reports.

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Active Directory Logon Reports

Monitor logon activities of Active Directory users on your AD environment. Filter out Inactive Users. Reporting on hourly level. Generate reports for true last logon time & recently logged on users.

Active Directory Workflow

A mini Active Directory ticket-management and compliance toolkit right within ADManager Plus! Define a rigid yet flexible constitution for every task in your AD. Tighten the reins of your AD Security.

Microsoft Exchange Management

Create and manage Exchange mailboxes and configure mailbox rights using ADManager Plus's Exchange Management system. Now with support for Microsoft Exchange 2010!!

Active Directory Automation

A complete automation of AD critical tasks such as user provisioning, inactive-user clean up etc. Also lets you sequence and execute follow-up tasks and blends with workflow to offer a brilliant controlled-automation.

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