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PowerShell for AD user reports

Real-time insights on user account status and activity can help AD  administrators manage accounts better. Many administrators use Microsoft's PowerShell scripts to generate Active Directory reports  and pull detailed information. Below are some key Active Directory PowerShell scripts and commands for generating AD user reports. Further below, you'll find a tool that makes AD User reporting  even easier by helping you generate those AD reports in a cinch from  an intuitive, unified web-console.

All users reports

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Export-csv -path "c:\testexport.csv

Disabled users report

Get-ADUser -Filter 'enabled -eq $False'| fl name,samaccountname,surname,userprincipalname

O365 All users report

Import-module msonline
# Supply the Office365 domain credentials
$username = ""
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "test@123" -AsPlainText -Force
$cred = New-object -typename
System.Management.Automation.PSCredential-argumentlist $username, $password
Connect-MsolService -credential $cred

O365 licensed users report

Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Export-csv -path "c:\testexport.csv

OU specific reports

Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter * | fl name,DistinguishedName

Account status reports

Get-ADUser -Filter * | fl name,enabled

PowerShell searching

Get-ADUser -Filter 'SearchQuery', For example "Get-ADUser -Filter 'enabled -eq $

The ADManager Plus way

In organizations, it's a rarity that we come across such simple straightforward scenarios like the ones listed above. Real-life use cases involve a multitude of things. Often, administrators need to program extensively in PowerShell, research syntax, and iterate multiple times for correctness; all these tasks can turn into a nightmare for administrators. PowerShell scripts for Active Directory sure is empowering, but at what cost? Often, the cost of extensive scripting is prolonged work hours.

The biggest limitation to PowerShell reports is that they aren't actionable. AD admins need to get work done from a single window without having to toggle between multiple consoles.

Here's how you can save yourself from the burden and monotony of creating, testing and executing unending lines of PowerShell scripts to generate reports on AD user accounts.

User reports from ADManager Plus give complete insight into the Windows Active Directory domain. ADManager Plus makes generating reports a breeze, even for organizations with multiple domains, organizational units (OUs) and numerous users.

ADManager Plus offers a comprehensive list of pre-built Active Directory user reports for efficient, trouble-free management and reporting on user accounts. Other key advantages include:

  • Fully web-based, intuitive UI that lets you customize required reporting fields
  • Option to schedule reports and automate report generation
  • OU specific report generation
  • Export reports in various formats: CSV, Excel, PDF, HTML, and CSVDE
  • Compliance-based reports (SOX, HIPAA, PCI, FISMA, GLBA, and the GDPR)

User reports are important to get vital information, including which users have remote user logon permissions or are mailbox enabled, or have OMA/OWA enabled.  ADManager Plus features an array of  schedulable reports on user objects, categorized into General User Reports, User Account Status Reports, User Logon Reports, and Nested Users Reports.

User Logon reports offers a peek into the user logon history or information. AD admins can generate reports on inactive users (users who have not logged on for a certain period), users who have logged on recently, users who have never logged on, and enabled users. The logon hour based report shows the allowed and denied logon hours or time frame for users.

Admins can decipher fine-grained group membership information from the Nested Users Report. These reports display detailed information about users in a particular group and the multiple groups a user belongs to.

Actionable User Reports

Say you are planning to delete inactive accounts from a specific department. If you are planning to get this done using native Active Directory tools and PowerShell, this could take you a day or more. After multiple iterations, you might be able to finally script what you need.

On the other hand, ADManager Plus gives you the liberty of carrying out the same task with just a few clicks. Run the Inactive users report, specify the desired OU using the smart filter, and delete inactive users all from the same screen.

Thus ADManager Plus easily addresses the AD reporting challenges caused by PowerShell.

ADManager Plus can help you meet audit requirements for compliance standards such as SOX, HIPAA, PCI, FISMA, GLBA, the GDPR, and POPIA. Generate a whole set of must-have reports to use as a key resource when facing compliance audits.

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Schedule and export reports on AD objects, including users, without PowerShell scripting.

  Get 30-day free trial.

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The one-stop solution to Active Directory Management and Reporting
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