Scheduled, automated emailing of periodic reports

It is not just network fault notifications that OpManager sends to you wherever you are, anytime of the day. OpManager's Report Scheduler allows you to automate creation of reports as well as have these reports periodically mailed to desired recipients. The report creation is aided by a number of flexible provisions which help make powerful, extensive reports. A few frequently used examples of automated reports are given below:

  • An end-of-day report on the availability of all the servers in the Datacenter
  • Weekly performance report of all your servers' CPU, memory and disk utilization
  • An end of day report on the availability & performance of all the devices in a particular business servicing group e.g. the ERP system
  • Monthly reports on the bandwidth utilization on all router interfaces

Network report schedules

Network report schedules 

Frequency and Format

OpManager offers you the flexibility to configure the cadence of report delivery. Reports can be scheduled on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Also, the generated reports can be delivered in either PDF or XLS formats. 

Network report schedules 

Scheduling of reports

Scheduling of reports 


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