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File share auditing

Track all accesses to shared files and folders in real time, and set alerts to be notified of critical events across your Windows file server, failover cluster, NetApp, and EMC environments.

Comprehensive file share monitoring

Audit file shares in real time.

Receive instant insights on all accesses, modifications, copy and paste actions, and deletions on shared files and folders.

Track failed access attempts.

Identify potential security breaches by tracking and viewing detailed reports on failed attempts to access file shares.

Monitor share permission changes.

Easily spot overexposed files with file share permission change auditing, and ensure that files are well-protected.

Set alerts for critical events.

Detect security incidents quickly with email and SMS alerts specific to files, users, time periods, or events.

Receive detailed file share audit reports

Identify accidental changes.

Simplify remediation of accidentally moved files by identifying their new locations with reports showing old and new file names. 

Drill down into the details.

Ensure that no user's activity can affect business continuity by checking if every change made to specific file shares is authorized.

Spot anomalous accesses easily.

Leverage user behavior analytics (UBA) to identify accidental or out-of-character changes made to files and folders.

Automate your threat response.

Save crucial time with automated responses to security incidents, such as running custom scripts to disable accounts or shut down devices.

Adhere to multiple IT compliance regulations with file share auditing software.

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    Clear audit trails

    Track every access and change made to shared files and folders in your domain with details on who accessed what, when, and from where.

    file/folder changes by share

    Clear audit trails -Track every access and change made to shared files and folders in your domain with details on who accessed what, when, and from where.

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    Detailed reports.

    View permission changes in shared folders, along with details of their old and new permissions.


    track file/folder share permission

    Detailed reports. - View permission changes in shared folders, along with details of their old and new permissions.

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    Constant monitoring

    Accurately identify anomalous user activity—such as an unusual volume of file activities by a particular user—with UBA.

    find anomalous file activity

    Constant monitoring - Accurately identify anomalous user activity—such as an unusual volume of file activities by a particular user—with UBA.

  • 1
    Clear audit trails

    Track every access and change made to shared files and folders in your domain with details on who accessed what, when, and from where.

    file/folder changes by share

    Clear audit trails -Track every access and change made to shared files and folders in your domain with details on who accessed what, when, and from where.

  • 1
    Detailed reports.

    View permission changes in shared folders, along with details of their old and new permissions.


    track file/folder share permission

    Detailed reports. - View permission changes in shared folders, along with details of their old and new permissions.

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Ace compliance audits easily with ADAudit Plus' file share auditing tool.

Get Your Free Trial fully functional 30-day trial

Other solutions offered by ADAudit Plus

Active directoryFile serverWindows serverWorkstation
Active Directory auditor

Get reports and alerts on changes to AD objects including users, groups, OUs, GPOs, and more instantly.

Account lockout tool

Detect and diagnose AD account lockouts faster by identifying their root cause.

Login monitoring

Monitor, track, and report on both successful and failed login attempts in real time.

Azure AD auditing

Monitor and track all Azure Active Directory sign-ins and events across cloud or hybrid environments.

GPO change auditing

Audit and report on what GPO setting was changed with before and after values—all in real time.

Privileged user monitoring

Monitor and report on critical actions made by administrators or privileged accounts and groups.

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