
AD Replication Manager

  • How will AD Replication Manager be useful to me?

    AD Replication Manager helps you:

    • Manually replicate information on the desired DCs.
    • Identify the replication health of your domain controllers by listing the last replication details across connections, neighbors and partitions.
  • How to download AD Replication Manager?

    In order to download AD Replication Manager, go to this link, and click on the Download button.

  • How to replicate information from one DC to another? 
    1. Launch the AD Replication Manager via the  ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher.
    2. Navigate to the ReplicateTwoDc's tab.
    3. Select the Source and Destination DCs and click on Replicate.
    4. Click on Save in order to save the replication details (you will be prompted to enter the appropriate values for SQL Server Authentication). 
  • How to list replication details?
    1. Navigate to the LastReplicationInformation tab.
    2. Click on Get Information

    To know more about the steps to configure AD Replication Manager, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using AD Replication Manager efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above

Local Users Manager

  • Why should I use Local Users Manager?

    ocal Users Manager helps you:

    • Create and manage users on a specific computer.
    • Identify the different users and groups present in a specific workstation
    • Reset the passwords of local users and more.  
  • How to download Local Users Manager?

    In order to download Local Users Manager, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How do I retrieve local users that are specific to a particular workstation using this tool?
    1. Click on the Local User Management link in the free tools ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher.
    2. Click Local User Management.
    3. Click Admin Credentials and enter the username and password for the administrator / an equivalent domain user.
    4. Note: By default, if you do not give any credentials, the machines' local credentials will be applied
    5. To retrieve the local user accounts on a computer
      • Select a computer from the drop down list.
      • If the desired computer does not appear in the list:
        • Click Get Computers from the drop down list.
        • In the Add Computers page that appears, click Show All Computers to view all the computers in the domain.
        • Select the required computer and click Done.
        • Click Set As Favourite, if you want the computer to appear in the drop down list.
      • Click Get Local Users to get the local user accounts in a selected computer.

    To know more about the steps to configure Local Users Manager, visit this website

  • How to export a list of all the local users on a specific computer?
    1. Navigate to the Installation Directory/ManageEngine/ADManager Plus Free Tools/bin location. 
    2. Launch Local User Management.
    3. Click Admin Credentials and enter the username and password for the administrator/an equivalent domain user.
    4. Note: By default, if you do not give any credentials, the machines' local credentials will be applied.
    5. To retrieve the local user accounts of a computer
      • Select a computer from the drop down list.
      • If the desired computer does not appear in the list:
        • Click Get Computers from the drop down list.
        • In the Add Computers page that appears, click Show All Computers to view all the computers in the domain.
        • Select the required computer and click Done.
        • Click Set As Favourite, if you want the computer to appear in the drop down list
      • Click Get Local Users to get the local user accounts in a selected computer.
      • Click on Export
  • How to generate the local users of multiple computers? 

    To retrieve the local user accounts of multiple computers

    • Select multiple computers from the drop down list.
    • If the desired computers do not appear in the list:
      • Click Get Computers from the drop down list.
      • In the Add Computers page that appears, click Show All Computers to view all the computers in the domain.
      • Select the required computers and click Done.
    • Click Get Local Users to get the local user accounts specific in the selected computers.
  • What are the system requirements needed for using Local Users Manager efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Empty Password Reporter

  • Why should I use Empty Password Reporter?

    The Empty Password Reporter helps you list all AD user accounts that do not have  passwords (password attribute value set to null).

  • How to download Empty Password Reporter?

    In order to download Empty Password Reporter, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How to identify accounts with empty passwords using this tool?
    1. Click the Empty Password Users Report Tool from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool.
    2. Enter the domain name, username and password.
    3. Select the required container.
    4. Click on the Generate button to get the details of users with empty passwords.
    5. Click on the Advanced button to open the Attributes dialog.
    6. Select from All/Naming/security options and click on Get Attributes button to view the entire list.
    7. Select the appropriate check-boxes based on your requirements and click OK.
    8. Click on the Generate button to view the user details.
  • Tell me more about Empty Password Reporter.

    To know more about the steps to configure Empty Password Reporter, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using Empty Password Reporter efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Password Expiration Notifier

  • Why should I use the Password Expiration Notifier?

    This tool helps you send password expiry notifications to users. These notifications are automated and can be sent via SMS, emails or push notifications. 

  • How to download Password Expiration Notifier?

    In order to download Password Expiration Notifier, go to this link and click on the Download button.

  • How to configure the Password Expiration Notifier?

    Visit this website to know how to configure the Password Expiration Notifier. 

  • How to notify users about password expiration using the Password Expiration Notifier
    1. Logon to ADSelfService Plus as an administrator. 
    2. avigate to the Configuration tab and click on the Password Expiry Notification option. 
    3. Provide a suitable Scheduler Name.
    4. Select the desired Domain and OU
    5. Select the Notification Type
    6. Select the medium through which you wish to notify the user. You can choose from mail, SMS or push notification options. 
    7. Specify the number of days before password expiration at which which the users must be notified. 
    8. Provide a suitable Subject and content for the SMS or mail. 
    9. Click on the Advanced button to configure advanced options. 
    10. Click on Save.
  • What are the system requirements needed for using Password Expiration Notifier efficiently?
    • P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    • RAM: 2GB or above. 
    • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Weak Password Users Report

  • How will Weak Password Users Reports be useful to me?

    Weak Password Users Reports help identify all the users whose passwords are weak or do not adhere to the password policies of your organization. 

  • Weak Password Users Reports help identify all the users whose passwords are weak or do not adhere to the password policies of your organization. 

    In order to download Weak Password Users Report, go to this link, and click on the Download button.

  • How to identify accounts with weak passwords using this tool?
    • Open the Weak Password Users Report link using the free tools ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher.
    • Under the AD User Reports section, click Weak Password Reports.
    • Enter the Domain DNS name and the Domain Controller name.
    • Type the username and password of an account with necessary permissions.
    • Click Generate. A list of users with weak passwords will be displayed.
    • Export the list to a CSV file, if needed.
  • How to include a pattern as a weak pattern for identifying weak passwords?
    • Navigate to the InstallationDirectory/ManageEngine/ADManager Plus Free Tools/bin location
    • Search for the PasswordPatterns.txt file
    • Open the file and specify your pattern.   
  • How do the Weak Password Reports help identify weak passwords?

    The Weak Password Reporter compares the hashes of the passwords specified in the PasswordPatterns.txt file with the hashes of the passwords of AD users. If any of the hashes match, then the corresponding user is listed in the Weak Password Users report.

    To know more about the steps to configure Weak Password Users Report, visit this website

  • To know more about the steps to configure Weak Password Users Report, visit this website. 
    • Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    • RAM: 2GB or above. 
    • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

PST Migration Tool

  • How will the PST Migration Tool be useful to me?

    The PST Migration Tool helps:

    • Export Exchange and Office 365 inboxes, contacts and calendar contents as PST files. 
    • Import PST files to new mailboxes.
  • How to download PST Migration Tool?

    In order to download PST Migration Tool, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

    To know more about the steps to configure the PST Misgration Tool, visit this website

  • To know more about the steps to configure the PST Misgration Tool, visit this website. 
    • Software or service requirements:
      • PowerShell 3.0
      • .NET Framework 4.5
      • Exchange Web Services Managed API 2.1
      • Messaging API (MAPI) client or Outlook
    • Supported OS:
      • Windows Server 2016
      • Windows Server 2012 R2
      • Windows Server 2012
      • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
      • Windows 10
      • Windows 8.1
      • Windows 8
      • Windows 7 SP1

Active Directory CSV Generator

  • Active Directory CSV Generator

    This Tool enables you to generate a full-fledged CSV file with a comprehensive attribute list by providing a very simple CSV file (say a CSV with sAMAccountName) as input.

  • How to download the CSV Generator?

    In order to download the CSV Generator, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How to generate a comprehensive CSV file using the CSV Generator? 
    1. Click the CSV Generator Tool from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool.
    2. Select the AD object type from the list.
    3. Browse and select the Import CSV file in the File Name field.
    4. Click on Generate to get the CSV files containing theCanonical Name, Display Name and Description attributes.
    5. Click on Export to save the CSV file in a different location.

    To know more about the steps to configure the CSV Generator Tool, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using the CSV Generator efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Service Accounts Management Tool

  • Why do I need the Service Accounts Management Tool?

    Why do I need the Service Accounts Management Tool?

  • How to download the Service Accounts Management Tool?

    In order to download Service Accounts Management Tool, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • What are the operations that I can perform using the Service Accounts Management Tool?
    • Create or delete managed service accounts
    • Edit information like name, sAMAccountName and description of an MSA
    • Enable or disable managed service accounts in bulk.
    • Get insights on MSAs from reports.
    • Get a complete list of all MSAs in a domain.

    To know more about the steps to configure the Service Accounts Management Tool, visit this website

  • To know more about the steps to configure the Service Accounts Management Tool, visit this website. 
    • Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    • RAM: 2GB or above. 
    • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Domain Controller Roles Reporter

  • Why should I use the Domain Controller Roles Reporter?

    This tool helps identify the roles of different domain controllers in a specific domain.   

  • How to download the Domain Controller Roles Reporter?

    In order to download Domain Controller Roles Reporter, go to this link, and click on the Download button.

  • How to identify the roles of different Domain Controllers in a specific domain?
    1. Launch the Domain Controller Reporter from the free tools ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher.
    2. Under Domain/DC Info, click on Get Domain and DC option.  
    3. Select the desired domains. 
    4. Click on the Get DCs button to get the list of roles assigned to  various domain controllers in the selected Domain.

    To know more about the steps to configure the Domian Controller Roles Reporter, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using the Domain Controller Roles Reporter efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

DNS Reporter 

  • Why should I use the DNS Reporter ?

    This tool helps you gain valuable insights about your network such as DNS records, IP addresses, server's services and more. 

  • How to download  DNS Reporter ?

    In order to download DNS Reporter, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How to list crucial information about my network using the DNS Reporter Tool?
    • Click on DNS Reporter link from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher.
    • In the DNS Reporter tool window, enter the domain name for which you have already enabled zone transfer. 
    • Click on Get DNS Report button. The results will be displayed in following tabs:
      • DNS Records: Displays the Name Server Records, Record types and IP addresses of the host.
      • Authoritative Servers: Displays the details of authoritative servers in a zone
      • Zones: Retrieves service records and specifies the details of the server offering services.
    • Click on the Export as CSV button, to get the results in a CSV file.

    To know more about the steps to configure the DNS Reporter, visit this website

  • To know more about the steps to configure the DNS Reporter, visit this website. 
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Duplicates Identifier

  • Why should I use the Duplicates Identifier?

    This tool helps you identify the duplicate entries of all Active Directory object attributes. 

  • How to download  Duplicates Identifier?

    In order to download  Duplicates Identifier, go to this link, and click on the Download button.

  • How to identify duplicate attribute entries using the Duplicates Identifier?
    • Launch the Duplicates Identifier using the free tools ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher. 
    • Click on Get Duplicates (Under AD User Reports)
    • Select the domain
    • Select any of 'sn', 'giveName', 'displayName', 'userPrincipalName' for which duplicates are to be reported.
    • Click on Get Duplicates

    To know more about the steps to configure the Duplicates Identifier, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using the Duplicates Identifier efficiently?
    • Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    • RAM: 2GB or above. 
    • Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above.

Domain Controller Monitoring Tool

  • How will the Domain Controller Monitoring Tool be useful to me?

    This tool helps list the different Domain Controllers in a domain and helps monitor performance by listing essential information such as CPU utilization, disk utilization and memory utilization. 

  • How to download the Domain Controller Monitoring Tool?

    In order to download the Domain Controller Monitoring Tool, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How to monitor the performance of the DCs in my domain?
    1. Click the DC Monitoring Tool from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool. The domain associated with the machine (in which the tool is installed) will be displayed.
    2. Specify the username and password specific to that machine.
    3. Click on Select DC button and choose the DCs that need to be monitored. 
    4. Click on the Show button to get the values of the corresponding parameters.

    To know more about the steps to configure the Domain Controller Monitoring Tool, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using the Domain Controller Monitoring Tool efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above.

DMZ Port Analyzer 

  • Why should I use the DMZ Port Analyzer?

    This tool enables you to analyze the status of all the ports that are used by third-party applications accessing Active Directory.

  • How to download the DMZ Port Analyzer?

    In order to download DMZ Port Analyzer, go to this link, and click on the Download button.

  • How to analyze the status of the ports used by third-party applications working on Active Directory?
    1. Click on DMZ Port Analyzer link from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool.
    2. In the first screen, provide either the hostname or IP address of the domain controller.
    3. You can now view the status of ports specific to a third-party tool that accesses on Active Directory (say ADManager Plus). You can list all the ports that need to be opened for the proper functioning of this third-party tool.
  • What are the list of ports that are checked by the DMZ Port Analyzer?

    The ports that can be checked by the DMZ Port Analyzer are:

    1. LDAP
    2. Kerberos
    3. SMB
    4. RPC
    5. Dynamic ports

    To know more about the steps to configure the DMZ Port Analyzer, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using the DMZ Port Analyzer efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above.

Terminal Session Manager

  • Why do I need to use Terminal Session Manager?

    This tool helps identify and manage multiple terminal sessions from a single point in a domain. 

  • What are the steps for downloading the Terminal Session Management Tool?

    In order to download Terminal Session Manager, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How to manage multiple terminal sessions using the Terminal Session Manager Tool?
    1. Click on the Terminal Session Manager from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool.
    2. Enter the domain name along with the appropriate username and password (of domain administrator or a user with equivalent rights).
    3. Click on Get Computers button. Computers in the selected domain will be listed.
    4. Select the desired computers and click on Get Sessions.
    5. Use the status filters to get the list of all the Active, Disconnected and Idle sessions.
    6. To disconnect multiple terminal sessions, select the required terminal sessions and click on Disconnect.
    7. To logoff multiple terminal sessions, select the required terminal sessions and click on Log Off.

    To know more about the steps to configure the Terminal Session Management Tool, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using the Terminal Session Management Tool efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Last Logon Reporter

  • Why should I use the Last Logon Reporter?

    This tool enables you to identify the last logon time of Active Directory users in a specific domain. 

  • How to download the Last Logon Reporter?

    In order to download Last Logon Reporter, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How do I use the Last Logon Reporter?
    1. Click on the Last Logon Reporter from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool.
    2. Specify the domain name and the username whose last-logon details are to be viewed. 
    3. Click on Search.
    4. Use Select All button to select all the users or select only a handful of them using their corresponding check-boxes.
    5. Click on the Get Last Logon Details button.
    6. Select the necessary domain controllers and the preferred attributes. Click on Generate Report.
    7. Use Time Zone button to change the time zone. By default, if the time zone of the domain controller and your working machine is not same, the time is converted as per the settings in your machine.

    To know more about the steps to configure the Last Logon Reporter, visit this website

  • To know more about the steps to configure the Last Logon Reporter, visit this website. 
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Active Directory Query Tool

  • Why do I need the Active Directory Query Tool?

    This tool provides you with an easy-to-use GUI for querying Microsoft Active Directory. 

  • This tool provides you with an easy-to-use GUI for querying Microsoft Active Directory. 

    In order to download Active Directory Query Tool, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How to query AD using the Active Directory Query Tool?
    1. Click on the AD Query Tool from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool.
    2. Specify the domain name.
    3. Specify the Active Directory Query.
    4. Click on Generate.

    Note: The Advanced option helps generate more attribute results for the domain with respect to the specified query.

    To know more about the steps to configure the Active Directory Query Tool, visit this website

  • To know more about the steps to configure the Active Directory Query Tool, visit this website. 

    To know more about the steps to configure the Active Directory Query Tool, visit this website. 

    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above. 

Password Policy Manager

  • Why should I use the Password Policy Manager?

    The Password Policy Manager enables:

    •  Users to view the password policy of a domain. 
    • Administrators to edit the domain password policy. 
  • How to download the Password Policy Manager?

    In order to download Password Policy Manager, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

  • How to edit the domain password policy?
    1. Click on the Password Policy Manager link from the ADManager Plus Free Tool Launcher to start the tool.
    2. This tool automatically detects your domain and allows you to view or edit the password policy of that domain.
    3. To view the password policy of other domains in the network:
      • Enter the domain user account name and its corresponding credentials in the tool.
      • Click View Password Policy to view the password policy of the domain.
    4. To edit the password policy, 
      • Enter the domain name and its corresponding credentials in the tool.
      • Enter the required values and click the Save button.
      • Click Restore Defaults button to choose default password policy. Save the changes.

      NOTE: Only administrators or users with administrative rights can change a password policy. Others can only view the policy.

      To know more about the steps to configure the Password Policy Manager, visit this website

  • What are the system requirements needed for using the Password Policy Manager efficiently?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above.

SharePoint Manager

  • How will SharePoint Manager be useful to me?

    This tool provides a list view of the tree-like structure of SharePoint. Furthermore, you can perform web parts usage analysis and list file names for any given criteria in the SharePoint environment. 

  • How to download SharePoint Manager?

    In order to download SharePoint Manager, go to this link, and click on the Download button. 

    To know more about the steps to configure the SharePoint Manager, visit this website.

  • What are the system requirements for using the SharePoint Manager?
    1. Processor: P4 - 3.0GHz or above.
    2. RAM: 2GB or above. 
    3. Operating System: Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and above.

Free Ping Tool

  • Is any script to check the status(ON/OFF) of connected devices in a network/LAN ?

    Yes. Network discovery script is helpful to displays the discovery status of the devices in a network.

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. How can I run it?

    Please check Dot Net Platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, Check_Dot_Net_version.exe , It will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform.

  • How many servers can I monitor. What are the limitations?

    You can monitor upto 10 servers simultaneously. To monitor more servers please visit or send mail to

  • Can the refresh interval be modified?

    Yes, the refresh interval for the ping and web response can be modified under the settings.

  • Can we monitor external servers/websites using this tool?

    Yes, The Free Ping Tool can monitor external websites also. (Provided the servers /websites are reachable)

  • Do I get an SMS or email alert when a server fails?

    No, we don't have this option in this tool. To get SMS or Email alerts, please try OpManager or send mail to

  • Whenever I try to delete the existing server, I am getting the below error message. Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\ManageEngine Free Tools\Free Ping Tool\bin\ServerData.sdf' is denied

    Access to the path is Denied:

    Check whether the User Access Control settings is 'Always Notify' or 'Never Notify'. If Always notify, it doesn't have the privilege to write/modify file operation under the location C:\Program Files (x86). Hence, Tool throws 'Access Denied' error.

    Try one of the following:

    1. Right click Windows Health monitor tool and select "Run as administrator".
    2. Install the tool in a different directory other than "C:\" directory.
    3. Change the UAC settings Level
      1. Open Control Panel --> User Accounts --> Change User Account Control Settings.
      2. Check settings selected "Always Notify" or "Never Notify"
      3. Then change the settings to "Never Notify".

      Try our Powershell script (UACChangerScript) to change the UAC settings in local and remote machine.
      Usage : .\UACChangerScript.ps1 -computernames localhost

VM Monitor Tool

  • Unable to connect to the host server?

    Please check host server is running properly and check host server is behind firewall and also port 443 is accessible. If the server is behind firewall and if not accessible, then open the port by configuring firewall.

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. what should i do?

    Please check Dot Net Platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, Check_Dot_Net_version.exe , It will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • Can I Monitor 1 VM server alone?

    Yes, 1 server alone can also be monitored. However, the tool can monitor upto 2 servers simultaneously.

  • Can I monitor more than 2 servers simultaneously?

    To monitor more server. please visit or send mail to

  • Can I set up alerts and have them automatically emailed to me if an alarm is triggered e.g. due to high CPU etc.

    No, Automatic email alerts are not supported in this tool. You may try our Applications Manager

  • What is the port number to be entered in Settings page?

    By default, the VMWare Server runs on Port 443. Port field is optional.

Free Disk Monitor Lite Tool

  • I'm unable to connect to the server? What should I do?
    1. Check whether the host server is connected to the network
    2. Check whether the host server is up and running
    3. Check if the host server is behind firewall. If yes, then check whether port 445 and 135 are accessible. If not accessible, then open the port by configuring the firewall.
    4. In extreme cases, check whether the system resources are over utilized and could not respond to polling from the tool.
  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?
    1. Microsoft .Net Framework not installed in your system.
    2. A lower version of Microsoft .Net Framework installed in your system. The tool requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 for running. The bin directory of the tool is provided with a utility S?DotNetUtilities.exe?. Run this utility from the command prompt to find the .Net version installed in your system.

    You can download and install Microsoft .Net framework 4.0 from here

  • What is the default port number for VMware?

    443 is the default port. Port number field is optional.

  • In Hyper-V and VMware, what does the exploded sector in the graph indicate?

    It indicates how much of disk or data store used space the VHD/VMDK file occupies.

  • My local host has VMware, but it is not displayed by default. How do I see VM details?

    The tool connects to the local host by default. If VMware is enabled in localhost, delete it from the server list and add the localhost again.

  • While connecting to a remote device, I get the error message, "Error Code: - 2147024891 (Access is Denied)". What should I do?

    The error occurs when "DCOM configuration" is not enabled in the remote machine.

    From your remote device, Goto Run, type dcomcnfg and hit enter. Double click on Console Root --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer. Right click and click on properties. Select Default Properties tab in the pop-up window and check 'Enable Distributed Computer on this computer'. Try connecting to the remote server again after enabling this setting.


    Run our Remote Dcom Enabler script, enables the Dcom access and launch the activation for the specific user account.

    Note: Refer the user guide for detailed instruction on the same

XenServer Health Monitor Tool

  • I have downloaded the tool, but it is not running. What should I do?

    This problem can be due to either one of the below reasons.

    1. Microsoft .Net Framework not installed in your system.
    2. A lower version of Microsoft .Net Framework installed in your system. The tool requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and above for running. The bin directory of the tool is provided with a utility 'DotNetUtilities.exe'. Run this utility from the command prompt to find the .Net version installed in your system.

    You can download and install Microsoft .Net framework 3.5 from here.

  • I am not able to get the performance values for VM's. What should I do?

    XenServer Tools must be installed in all the VM's you are interested in monitoring, then only you will be able to get the metrics(otherwise XenServer won't collect the performance metrics) for the VMs.

  • Can I have automatic alert feature?

    This problem can be due to either one of the below reasons.

    Yes. You can get this feature by downloading the essential version of Opmanager.

Free Windows Service Monitor

  • Unable to connect to the host server?

    Please check host server is running properly and check host server is behind firewall and also port 443 is accessible. If the server is behind firewall and if not accessible, then open the port by configuring firewall.

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should i do?

    Please check Dot Net Platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, DotNetUtilities.exe, It will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • Can I Monitor 1 server alone?

    Tool monitors 3 server simultaneously. Yes, 1 server alone can be monitored also.

  • I cannot start or stop few services in the Windows server. What should I do?

    Some Windows services depend on other services to start or stop. So the tool displays the dependent services and tries to stop or start these services. However any of these services is dependent on some other services, the tool displays a message showing that these services needs to be started or stopped, before trying to start or stop the main services.

  • When I stop service, tool stops the service but after while the same service is started again. What is the reason?

    Windows operating system will not allow some services to stop . Hence it automatically restarts those services.

  • Can I monitor more than 3 servers simultaneously?

    To monitor more servers simultaneously please visit or send mail to

  • Error Messages:

    "RPC Server Unavailable"
    1. Check if you have entered the server name correctly
    2. Check if the server is behind the firewall - you won?t be able to connect to the server if it is behind firewall. Also make sure the RPC ports 445 and 135 are open and not behind the firewall.

    Try reconnecting to the device.

    "2147024891 (Access is Denied)"

    This error could be due to either one of the below reasons.

    1. If the user does not have enough rights to access the remote machine.
    2. If the firewall is enabled in the remote machine.

    So disable the firewall and then try to connect using the administrator credentials. If the problem still persists send a mail to

  • While connecting to a remote device, I get the error message, "Error Code: - 2147024891 (Access is Denied)". What should I do?

    The error occurs when "DCOM configuration" is not enabled in the remote machine.

    From your remote device, Goto Run, type dcomcnfg and hit enter. Double click on Console Root --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer. Right click and click on properties. Select Default Properties tab in the pop-up window and check 'Enable Distributed Computer on this computer'. Try connecting to the remote server again after enabling this setting.


    Run our Remote Dcom Enabler script, enables the Dcom access and launch the activation for the specific user account.

    Note: Refer the user guide for detailed instruction on the same

Windows Health Monitor

  • While connecting to a remote device, I get the error message, "Error Code: - 2147024891 (Access is Denied)". What should I do?

    The error occurs when "DCOM configuration" is not enabled in the remote machine.

    From your remote device, Goto Run, type dcomcnfg and hit enter. Double click on Console Root --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer. Right click and click on properties. Select Default Properties tab in the pop-up window and check 'Enable Distributed Computer on this computer'. Try connecting to the remote server again after enabling this setting.


    Run our Remote Dcom Enabler script, enables the Dcom access and launch the activation for the specific user account.

    Note: Refer the user guide for detailed instruction on the same

  • I'm unable to connect to the server? What should I do?
    1. Check whether the host server is connected to the network
    2. Check whether the host server is up and running
    3. Check if the host server is behind firewall. If yes, then check whether port 445 and 135 are accessible. If not accessible, then open the port by configuring the firewall.
    4. In extreme cases, check whether the system resources are over utilized and could not respond to polling from the tool.
  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?

    This problem can be due to either one of the below reasons.

    1. Microsoft .Net Framework not installed in your system.
    2. A lower version of Microsoft .Net Framework installed in your system. The tool requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 for running. The bin directory of the tool is provided with a utility 'DotNetUtilities.exe'. Run this utility from the command prompt to find the .Net version installed in your system.

    You can download and install Microsoft .Net framework 4.0 from here

  • While adding a new device, I get the error message, "Error in fetching the data". What should I do?

    This problem might be due to issues in WMI services running in the remote machine. Restarting the remote machine's WMI service might fix the issue. To restart the WMI service, from your remote machine go to Start/run, type services.msc and press Enter. In the services window find Windows Management Instrumentation service and restart it.

  • I am getting a start-up error message, "The program can't start because msvcr100.dll is missing from your computer". What should I do?

    The Error occurs when .Net Framework version is below 4.0. Please install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package (x86) and run the Free Windows Health Monitor.

    You can download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package (x86) from here

  • When I stop service, tool stops the service but after while the same service is started again. What is the reason?

    Windows operating system will not allow some services to stop . Hence it automatically restarts those services.

  • Error Messages:

    "msvcr100.dll is missing"

    This Error occurs when .Net Framework version is below 4.0. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package (x86) and then run the tool again.

    You can download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package (x86) from here

  • "Error Code: - 2147024891 (Access is Denied)"

    From your remote device, Goto Run, type dcomcnfg and hit enter. Double click on Console Root --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer. Right click and click on properties. Select Default Properties tab in the pop-up window and check 'Enable Distributed Computer on this computer'. Try connecting to the remote server again after enabling this setting. If the issue still persists send a mail to

  • Received this "IDispatch error #3600" when attempting to monitor a Windows server.

    For error in server:

    Open a command prompt on the target machine that you want to monitor and run the following command, For Windows 2000 winmgmt /resyncperf (To clear all WMI-related values from the service's performance registry key.)

    For other Windows OS wmiadap /f

    For error in client:

    Try re-creating the WMI repository,(To be done in the machine where Windows health monitor is installed)

    1. start -->run -->type 'services.msc'
    2. The Services window appears. In the right pane, right-click Windows Management Instrumentation service, and select Stop.
    3. Close the Services window.
    4. Navigate to the following folder from My Computer: C:\Windows\System32\wbem
    5. Rename the "repository" folder as "repository.old".
    6. Click Start > Run.
    7. Type 'services.msc' and click OK.
    8. The Services window appears. In the right pane, right-click Windows Management Instrumentation service, and select Start.
    9. Restart the computer.

    No need to worry about the repository folder, this will be recreated when you restart the computer in step 9.

  • "Error Code: - 2147023174 (The RPC server is unavailable)"

    Possible reasons for RPC server unavailable:

    1. When the remote server is behind the firewall and RPC Port 135 is closed. Open the port by configuring the firewall and reconnect the device.
    2. DNS name cannot be resolved. Instead of domain name, try IP-Address of the server.
    3. Unreachable network error. Make sure the server is reachable from your network by pinging the server.
  • Whenever I try to delete the existing server, I am getting the below error message. Access to the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\ManageEngine Free Tools\Free Windows Health Monitor\bin\sd.sdf' is denied

    Access to the path is Denied:

    Check whether the User Access Control settings is 'Always Notify' or 'Never Notify'. If Always Notify, it doesn't have the privilege to write/modify file operation under the location C:\Program Files (x86). Hence, Tool throws 'Access Denied' error.

    Try one of the following:

    1. Right click Windows Health monitor tool and select "Run as administrator".
    2. Install the tool in a different directory other than "C:\" directory.
    3. Change the UAC settings Level
      1. Open Control Panel --> User Accounts --> Change User Account Control Settings.
      2. Check settings selected "Always Notify" or "Never Notify"
      3. Then change the settings to "Never Notify".

      Try our Powershell script (UACChangerScript) to change the UAC settings in local and remote machine.
      Usage : .\UACChangerScript.ps1 -computernames localhost

Free Exchange Health Monitor

  • Unable to connect to the MS Exchange server?

    Please check the server is running properly and check the server is behind firewall and also port 445 and 135 is accessible. if the server is behind firewall and if not accessible, then open the port by configuring firewall.

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?

    Please check Dot Net platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, Check_Dot_Net_version.exe , It will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • MS Exchange Server running correctly, but the tool shows "Unable to Connect". What should I do?

    Please check the following steps.

    1. From the Start menu, click Run, and then enter WBEMtest.
    2. The WBEMtest.exe dialog appears. Click Connect.
    3. Provide "\\servername\root\cimv2" in the first textbox.
    4. Provide "domainname\username" in the user textbox under credentials.
    5. Provide password in the password textbox under credentials.
    6. Click Connect.

    If you are getting (No error) the Windows Management Instrumentation Tester Dialog with the Enum Classes, Enum Instances, Open Namespace.etc., buttons enabled, then you can able to connect to the server. If you are getting error message then check your credentials and also ensure that wmi and RPC services are running properly in remote machine.

  • Can I monitor more than one server simultaneously?

    To monitor more servers, please visit // or send mail to

  • "msvcr100.dll is missing"

    This Error occurs when .Net Framework version is below 4.0. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package (x86) and then run the tool again.

    You can download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package (x86) from here

  • "Error Code: - 2147024891 (Access is Denied)"

    The error occurs when "DCOM configuration" is not enabled in the remote machine.

    From your remote device, Goto Run, type dcomcnfg and hit enter. Double click on Console Root --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer. Right click and click on properties. Select Default Properties tab in the pop-up window and check 'Enable Distributed Computer on this computer'. Try connecting to the remote server again after enabling this setting.


    Run our Remote Dcom Enabler script, enables the Dcom access and launch the activation for the specific user account.

    Note: Refer the user guide for detailed instruction on the same

  • "Error Code: - 2147023174 (The RPC server is unavailable)"

    Possible reasons for RPC server unavailable:

    1. When the remote server is behind the firewall and RPC Port 135 is closed. Open the port by configuring the firewall and reconnect the device.
    2. DNS name cannot be resolved. Instead of domain name, try IP-Address of the server.
    3. Unreachable network error. Make sure the server is reachable from your network by pinging the server.

SQL Server Monitoring Tool

  • Is it possible to backup the SQL DB details ?

    Yes. ManageEngine has powershell script to backup the SQL DB details.

  • I am getting an error message "Unable to connect to the SQL server". What should I do?

    This problem occurs if the host server is behind the firewall or if port 445 is not accessible. (note: open the port by configuring firewall.)

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. How can I run it?

    Please check if the Dot Net Platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, DotNetUtilities.exe, It will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. (note: Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.)

  • How can I connect to my SQL Server Instance ?

    It uses Windows administrator credentials to fetch the SQL Server performance metrics.

    Server name : Machine name or IP Address of the SQL Server installed system.
    Domain Name : If the server is inside a domain, please specify.
    Instance name : Instance Name of the SQL Server. For default (MSSQLSERVER) instance, leave it empty.
    Username and password : Windows administrator credentials of the Server

  • How many servers can I monitor?

    You can monitor 2 servers simultaneously. To monitor more server please visit - or send mail to

  • Error Messages:

    "Access is denied"

    This error could be due to either one of the below reasons.

    1. If you are not connected to the host using the Windows Administrator credentials.
    2. If the firewall is enabled in the remote machine.
  • "RPC Server Unavailable"?
    1. Check if you have entered the server name correctly
    2. Check if the server is behind the firewall - you won't be able to connect to the server if it is behind firewall. Also make sure the RPC ports 445 and 135 are open and not behind the firewall.

    Try reconnecting to the device. If you are still unable to connect, try the following steps and send the outcome of the test to

    1. From the Start menu, click Run, and then enter WBEMtest.
    2. The WBEMtest.exe dialog appears. Click Connect.
    3. Provide "\\Hostname\root\cimv2" in the first text box.
    4. Provide "domainname\username" in the user textbox under credentials.
    5. Provide password in the password textbox under credentials.
    6. Click Connect.
    7. After connection, check the class below IWbem Services are enabled.
  • While connecting to a remote device, I get the error message, "Error Code: - 2147024891 (Access is Denied)". What should I do?

    The error occurs when "DCOM configuration" is not enabled in the remote machine.

    From your remote device, Goto Run, type dcomcnfg and hit enter. Double click on Console Root --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer. Right click and click on properties. Select Default Properties tab in the pop-up window and check 'Enable Distributed Computer on this computer'. Try connecting to the remote server again after enabling this setting.


    Run our Remote Dcom Enabler script, enables the Dcom access and launch the activation for the specific user account.

    Note: Refer the user guide for detailed instruction on the same

Free SNMP MIB Browser

  • When I enable the Windows SNMP Agent using SnmpEnabler, I am getting "time out error " for SNMP Requests. What should I do?

    To confirm if SNMP service is running on the device, Go to Windows Services (services.msc) and see if the 'SNMP Service' status shows running. If not, start the service.

    Check whether a community is configured in the SNMP agent, Right click the SNMP service --> Click Properties --> Go to Security tab --> see community value. If the value is not defined, add the community default as public and click "OK" button. Then give the defined community in MibBrowser.


    Try our poweshell script to add or set the SNMP Agent community on remote /local machine.

    Usage : .\SNMPEnabler.ps1 -h -username -CommunityName

    Also, check "Accept SNMP Packets from any Host " or "Accept SNMP Packets from defined Hosts" radio button

  • How can I troubleshoot the SNMP Packet from Manager to SNMP Agent or vice versa?

    Goto ManageEngine Mibbrowser, Click "Debug" icon or View --> Debug, which receives the incoming and outgoing SNMP packets. You can decode the Hex PDU packets to human readable format using "Decode" button. It also helps to decode the SNMP packets in file format.

  • Java is not available in my system due to security restrictions. Can I still use the tool?

    Yes you can. The tool itself is bundled with Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which runs the MibBrowser (java) application. Hence, installing java in your machine is not required.

  • How do I give Hex strings for SET values in MIB Browser?

    The SnmpString class accepts Hex strings in a certain format. Any string that starts and ends with a single quote(') is interpreted as an Hex string. The individual bytes should be separated using a colon(:). For example, if you need to enter 0x2a304cab, it should be supplied as '2a:30:4c:ab'.

  • In MibBrowser , When I sent GET request to localhost : 161 and I get "Request Failed: Error: Request Timed Out". How to resolve this ?

    To Troubleshoot the timeout error,

    1. Check the values of agent running Host Name, Port and Community values. Incorrect values return timeout error.
    2. Increase the timeout value, sometime agent response time is larger than the timeout value specified in MibBrowser (default 5 seconds). Hence, Manager/MibBrowser returns time out error.

    If queried agent is "Windows SNMP Agent"

    1. To confirm if SNMP service is running on the device, go to Windows Services (services.msc) and see if the 'SNMP Service' status shows running. If not, start the service.
    2. Check whether community is configured in the snmp agent , Right click the SNMP service --> Click Properties --> Go to Security tab --> see community value. If the value is not defined , add the community and click "OK" button. Then give the defined community in MibBrowser.
    3. Also, check "Accept SNMP Packets from any Host " or "Accept SNMP Packets from defined Hosts" radio button.
  • In MibBrowser , When I sent SET request to localhost : 161 and I get "Request Failed: Error: Request Timed Out". How to resolve this?

    Fill the write community value in the textfield. By default 'Write community' as empty. Check the values of agent running Host Name, Port and Community values. Incorrect values return timeout error.

  • Is MibBrowser set a timer to check a variable periodically?

    Yes. MibBrowser support the polling for integer Object Identifier. Load RFC 1213 Mib --> Select IfNumber--> Click Line graph icon from the tool bar (View --> Line Graph).

    For Tabular node, Click Table and "Start Polling" . It updates the values in a table Periodically, poll interval is specified in table settings window.

  • How do I give Hex values in the ContextEngineID or in the ContextName text fields?

    The Hex values should start with a 0x or 0X. Therefore, if you set a value for contextID or contextName, it should be 0xHHHHHH.

  • What are the units for timeout and retry values?

    Timeout value should be given in seconds. If you give the timeout value in milliseconds, it takes much time to get timed out. For example, a value of 1000 waits for 1000 seconds.

    Retry value should be integer . Retries is the number of times a request is sent when a timeout occurs. If the retry value is 0, the request is re-transmitted on timeout.

  • How do I set values for the table variables?

    To create a new row in a table:

    1. Define a column with SYNTAX RowStatus, and the definition for the table should have RowStatus object defined.
    2. Select the Table node from the tree and the Table button from the toolbar to display the corresponding table.
    3. Right-click on the table header where the name of the column is displayed. It displays a menu with the following options.
      1. View Graph for Selected Row
      2. Add a New Row to the Table
      3. Delete the Selected Rows from the Table
    4. Select Add a New Row to the Table. It displays a window for entering the values of the table.
    5. The value for the column with RowStatus syntax should be 4 for creating a new row.
    6. Click OK after entering all the values.

    If RowStatus is not present in the table definition, you can only modify the existing row by double-clicking the corresponding cell in the table.

  • In MIB Browser, when I make a request, I get the "NO HOST Specified" error. What should I do?

    Before making any request, the host name or the IP address of the machine in which the agent is running should be specified in the "Host" text field of MibBrowser.

  • How can I load multiple MIB files while invoking the MIB Browser at run time?

    To load multiple MIBs, files should be separated by a blank space and be given within double quotes. For example,

    java MibBrowserApplication -m "mibs/RFC1213-MIB mibs/RFC1271-MIB mibs/RFC1155-MIB" -h localhost -c public

  • When I ask for 10 rows in an SNMP table, the GETBULK returns only 6 rows and the last attribute of the sixth row is null. The sixth row seems to be truncated. What should I do?

    The number of rows you get back may be limited by the PDU size permitted by your agent, manager, or transport.

  • When I start the Trap Viewer, I get the " Not Listening for traps, Ports already in use". What should I do?

    By default the trap browser starts in the port 162. If the port is reserved or if the port is already used by some application this error will occur. You can restart the trap browser by giving the port no of any unused port.

  • When I reopen the MibBrowser, How can i saw the recently loaded mibs?

    Enable the the "Load recently loaded Mibs at startup" check box in the MibSettings window of the MibBrowser.

    Edit ---> Settings --->MibSettings ---> Enable Load recently loaded Mibs at startup checkbox.

  • Is it possible to trigger the Action Script based on the SNMP trap and response criteria?

    Yes, ManageEngine MibBrowser - Script Rule Engine allows script configuration defined by the user. It supports python and batch scripts for Windows.

    To Configure Script, Click on the Script Icon available on the tool bar.

  • Is there option to execute the custom class action(user defined class) in MibBrowser - Script Rule Engine?

    Yes, Refer online JavaDocs for custom class.

  • I am getting "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException" while compiling the Custom Class ?

    Custom class implements ScriptHandler and should defined in com.adventnet.snmp.scripting package.

    Compile the java file in any of the following ways :

    1. Open the Command Prompt, change the directory to <Product_Home>
    2. Run the setclasspath.bat, which is used to set the required jars in classpath
    3. Compile java file, javac -d classes "<java file location>\"
    4. (or)

    5. Open the Command Prompt, go to custom java file location
    6. Set the required classpath, ( e.g. set classpath=<product_home>\jars\AdventNetScript.jar;<product_home>\jars\AdventNetSnmp.jar )
    7. Compile java file, javac -d <Product_Home>\classes

    Now the compiled customized classes will be present in <ProductHome>\classes directory.

  • Is it possible to view the actions script logs ?

    Script action logs are saved in the directory <product_home>\logs\scriptlog.txt

  • How do I install the Linux version of MIB Browser?
    1. Download the BIN file
    2. Open a Terminal/Bash/Konsole.
    3. Go to BIN file download location.
    4. Provide the executable permission to BIN file using the command 'chmod a+x ManageEngine_MibBrowser_FreeTool.bin'
    5. Run the ./ManageEngine_MibBrowser_FreeTool.bin and complete the installation
  • How to run the MIB Browser in Linux OS?

    Go to MIB Browser install location.

    1. Example, cd ~//MibBrowser_Free_Tool/bin/
    2. Run the ./ or sh file.
  • I tried editing the mibs. I first unloaded the mib and then loaded the modified mib in MibBrowser. But it still loads the old mib. Why?

    By default, MibBrowser loads the mibs in "compiled file" Mibloading option.

    Compiled mode loads the mibs from .cmi and .cds file. Mibbrowser parses the mibs and creates .cds and .cmi at first time. Then it loads the mibs from .cmi and .cds directly without doing parsing.

    If user wants to edit the existing mibs and load the modified mibs, they should delete the existing .cmi and .cds file in the mibs directory. For example, load the modified RFC1213-MIB, delete the existing RFC1213-MIB.cmi and RFC1213-MIB.cds file.


    Change the MibLoading option as "Direct" or "Overwrite Existing Compiled MIB Files" . MibBrowser Settings --> Direct.

    MibBrowser Settings --> Overwrite existing Compiled MIB Files.

    In this case, it loads the modified mibs directly.

    Refer the Mibloading Option to know more details.

  • I am getting error Message "Loading MIBs Failed: Could not find the file" while loading Mibs and also getting error in backend command prompt "Problem in opening the file"

    Check whether, you have full privilege to write the file in the location "C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool\mibs". While loading the mibs in the MibBrowser, it parses the mibs and generates the .cmi and .cds file under the same location (C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool\mibs). If the .cds and .cmi files are written in the same location successfully, then it loads the corresponding mibs in the MibBrowser. If file writes operation fails, it returns the error "Could not find the file" and backend returns the "Problem in opening the file".

    Follow, any one of the below steps to resolve the issue:

    1. Open the command prompt i.e., start menu -- > Select the Command prompt --> right click --> Run as Administrator
    2. Goto C:\Program Files (x86)\ManageEngine\MibBrowser Free Tool\bin
    3. Run the Mibbrowser.bat.

    Check UAC settings Level

    1. Open Control Panel --> User Accounts --> Change User Account Control Settings
    2. Check settings selected "Always Notify" or "Never Notify"
    3. If the settings is "Always Notify", it will not allow the file operation in the C:\ Program Files (x86) directory.

      Try our Powershell script (UACChangerScript) to view and modify the UAC Settings Level in the Local and Remote machine.
      Usage : .\UACChangerScript.ps1 -computernames localhost

    4. Please install Mibbrowser in other than C:\ Directory. (or) copy Mibs directory to other directory (i.e., D:\ or anything) then load the mibs in the MibBrowser.

Free Process Traffic Monitor

  • Is any script to check the status(ON/OFF) of connected devices in a network/LAN ?

    Yes. Network discovery script is helpful to displays the discovery status of the devices in a network.

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?

    Check whether .Net platform is installed in your system. The tool requires Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 for running. The bin directory of the tool is provided with a utility 'DotNetUtilities.exe'. Run this utility from the command prompt to find the .Netversion installed in your system. You can download and install Microsoft .Net framework 3.5 from here.

  • I have started the tool but it throws Winpcap is not installed. What should I do?

    This exception will be thrown when Winpcap is not installed in your machine. Download the latest version of winpcap. Check the software requirements page for the downloading link.

  • I have made the interface up at runtime, but it is not showing that interface in the list. What should I do?

    If any interface comes up while tool is running, it will be updated on click of the start button (ie) if any interface comes up, to update the same, click Stop and then Start.

  • Whom should i contact when i face with any error while running the tool?

    If you are facing any error while running the tool ,please send us mail to

Free HyperV Performance Monitor

  • Unable to connect to the host server?

    Check the following:

    1. If the host server is running properly
    2. If the host server is behind firewall
    3. If port 445 and 135 are accessible.

    If the server is behind firewall and still not accessible, then open the port by configuring the firewall.

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?

    Please check Dot Net platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, Check_Dot_Net_version.exe , It will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • Can I Monitor more than one Hyper-V Host server?

    Yes. You can monitor upto 2 hyper-v servers.

  • What is the use of CPU Thresholds in the Settings screen?

    Based on the Percentage CPU Utilization and CPU Threshold values, the tool will show the alert signals on the Dashboard to intimate status to the user.

  • Is it possible to take reports for consolidated hosts and VMs?

    Yes. You can generate real-time performance reports of hosts and VMs as a pdf document.

    You can also save and print the report.

  • While connecting to a remote device, I get the error message, "Error Code: - 2147023174 (The RPC server is unavailable)". What should I do? "Error Code: - 2147023174 (The RPC server is unavailable)"

    Possible reasons for RPC server unavailable:

    1. When the remote server is behind the firewall and RPC Port 135 is closed. Open the port by configuring the firewall and reconnect the device.
    2. DNS name cannot be resolved. Instead of domain name, try IP-Address of the server.
    3. Unreachable network error. Make sure the server is reachable from your network by pinging the server.
  • While connecting to a remote device, I get the error message, "Error Code: - 2147024891 (Access is Denied)". What should I do?

    The error occurs when "DCOM configuration" is not enabled in the remote machine.

    From your remote device, Goto Run, type dcomcnfg and hit enter. Double click on Console Root --> Component Services --> Computers --> My Computer. Right click and click on properties. Select Default Properties tab in the pop-up window and check 'Enable Distributed Computer on this computer'. Try connecting to the remote server again after enabling this setting.


    Run our Remote Dcom Enabler script, enables the Dcom access and launch the activation for the specific user account.

    Note: Refer the user guide for detailed instruction on the same

Azure performance Monitor Tool

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?

    Please check whether the Dot Net platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, DotNetUtilities.exe, it will inform you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in your system, download the platform. This tool requires Dot Net Version 4 for it to run successfully. So please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • I have connected to my Azure environment successfully. But I don't see any counters. What is the problem.

    You need to enable the "Enable Diagnostics" check box in your Azure cloud service project. While creating cloud service related package or deploying the cloud service using third party software, you need to add the counter details to be monitored. Then you can monitor your environment with this tool.

    To check the availability of Enable diagnostics of cloud service in the Azure Management portal,

    1. Go to Azure Management Portal using azure microsoft azure sign in account.
    2. Click the left side "Cloud services" tab then select cloud service from the list.
    3. Click the "Configure" tab on top of the cloud service panel.
    4. Check availability of "Diagnostics Connection Strings"
    5. If it is present in the cloud service, you can view the performance metrics for that cloud service. Otherwise, you should enable the diagnostics.
  • Can I monitor only one Azure Account?

    Yes. You can monitor only one azure account.

  • Can I monitor more than one Roles in my environment.

    Yes. You can monitor all the roles deployed in an environment

  • How do I check which deployment ID is associated with specific storage account ?

    Go to Azure management portal then select the "Cloud services" tab. Select any one of the cloud services from the list.

    Click the "Configure tab" and check the storage account name and key in Diagnostics Connection Strings

  • Which version of Azure sdk supported for cloud service project?

    Azure Performance Monitor Tool supports the azure sdk version up to 2.5.

VM Configuration Tool

  • Unable to connect to the host server?

    Please check if the host server is running properly ; check if the host server is behind firewall and also if port 443 is accessible. If the server is behind firewall and if not accessible, then open the port by configuring firewall.

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?

    Please check Dot Net platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, DotNetUtilities.exe , It will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • I performed power operations and CPU/Memory configuration on the VM successfully, but its reverted after refresh. Why?

    Changes made on any VM of a VMware ESX Host may be reverted, if the Host is being managed by a VCenter Server.

  • Can I monitor more than one VMware ESX server simultaneously?

    To monitor more servers, please visit or send mail to

EC2 Monitoring Tool

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should I do?

    Please check whether the Dot Net platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, DotNetUtilities.exe , it will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • Can I view more than one mode of data retrieval (either historical or live feed)?

    Yes, you can view more than one mode of data retrieval at any given instance. If you click "historical data", historical data will be active in the main window. Again, if you select "Live feed data" it will start live feed polling.

  • Can I monitor more than one EC2 instance?

    Yes, you can monitor more than one instance using EC2 Health Monitor Tool. If you select a instance in the tree, tool will populate the performance metrics for that instance. Any instance can be selected for monitoring.

  • What are the regions supported for Amazon EC2 instances?

    Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), Asia Pacific (Singapore), EU (Ireland), South America (Sao Paulo), US East (N. Virginia),US West (N. California), US West (Oregon)

Free Syslog Forwarder

  • I have downloaded the tool but it is not running. What should i do?

    Please check Dot Net Platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, DotNetUtilities.exe, it will tell you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • Unable to bind to specified port number 514. Why the error occurs?

    The Syslog listening port specified is occupied by some other process. So please stop the process and start the Free Syslog Forwarder Tool.

  • Can I receive syslog message from ports other than 514?

    Yes you can. Refer document section for this.

  • What message input rate it can handle?

    The Free Syslog Forwarder Tool will process 2000 messages per second, but it may vary depending upon the server. The process includes receiving, filtering and forwarding the syslog message.

  • How many servers can I forward messages . What are the limitations?

    You can forward messages upto 10 servers simultaneously.

Windows SNMP Enabler

  • When I enable the Windows SNMP Agent using SnmpEnabler, I am getting "time out error " for SNMP Requests. What should I do?

    To confirm if SNMP service is running on the device, Go to Windows Services (services.msc) and see if the 'SNMP Service' status shows running. If not, start the service.

    Check whether a community is configured in the SNMP agent, Right click the SNMP service --> Click Properties --> Go to Security tab --> see community value. If the value is not defined, add the community default as public and click "OK" button. Then give the defined community in MibBrowser.


    Try our poweshell script to add or set the SNMP Agent community on remote /local machine.

    Usage : .\SNMPEnabler.ps1 -h -username -CommunityName

    Also, check "Accept SNMP Packets from any Host " or "Accept SNMP Packets from defined Hosts" radio button

  • I have downloaded the tool but is not running. What should i do?

    Please check if Dot Net Platform is installed in your system. Run the utility available in the bin directory, DotNetUtilities.exe. It will inform you the Dot Net version. If Dot Net platform is not available in the system, download the platform. Please see the software requirements page for downloading the platform.

  • Is it possible to enable multiple servers simultaneously?

    Yes, you can enable multiple servers simultaneously. You can enable multiple servers by either selecting the servers one by one or by clicking on the check box at the top to select all servers at one go.

  • When I enabled the Windows SNMP Agent using SnmpEnabler, but I am getting "time out error " for SNMP Requests. What should I do?

    To confirm if SNMP service is running on the device, Go to Windows Services (services.msc) and see if the 'SNMP Service' status shows running. If not, start the service.

    Check whether community is configured in the snmp agent , Right click the SNMP service --> Click Properties --> Go to Security tab --> see community value. If the value is not defined , add the community default as public and click "OK" button community as . Then give the defined community in MibBrowser.

    Also, check "Accept SNMP Packets from any Host " or "Accept SNMP Packets from defined Hosts" radio button.

  • Can I change Installation timeout?

    Yes, the installation timeout can be modified between 90 and 600 secs.

  • Can I modify batch count to represent number of servers in a batch?

    Yes, the batch count value can be modified between 3 and 15 counts.

  • Can I import/add more than one host simultaneously?

    Yes. You can add more than one server using import option in the settings and adding the servers in bulk from a text file.

Windows Admin Tools

  • How is this product licensed?

    The Endpoint Central Free Windows tools are free to use. No hidden cost anywhere. The product can be used for free both for personal and business use.

  • Can I re-distribute this product?

    Yes, the product can be redistributed AS IS with appropriate credits. However, you need to get prior approval from us stating the reason for redistribution. Contact for getting the approval

  • Will I get technical support for this product? Should I pay for this?

    Yes, you will get technical support through Email and Forums. The tec hnical support is free and you do not have to pay for it.

  • I get "Access Denied" error on using the tools. What should I do?

    The Access Denied error is shown for any of the following reasons:

    1. When the credentials supplied do not have necessary privileges to access the remote computers.
    2. When DCOM settings have not been enabled in the remote computer. Follow the steps below to enable DCOM:
      1. Start --> Run--> dcomcnfg
      2. Select Component Services --> Computers
      3. Right Click My Computer and select "Properties".
      4. In "Default Properties" tab, make following changes,
        1. Select "Enable Distributed COM on this computer" checkbox
        2. Select "Enable COM Internet Services on this computer" checkbox
        3. Change "Default Authentication Level" to "Default"
        4. Change "Default Impersonation Level" to "Impersonate"
    3. If the remote computer is in a workgroup (not part of a Windows Domain), the Forced Guest feature should be turned off. Make the following change in all the client computers:
      1. Start --> Run--> explorer
      2. Select Tools --> Folder Options
      3. Select the View tab.
      4. Unselect the option "Use simple file sharing" and click OK
  • When I use a tool, I get the error as "RPC Server Unavailable". How do I fix this?

    The RPC Server Unavailable error is shown in the following cases:

    1. When the remote computer is not reachable. Check whether the system is up and running when any operation in done in remote computers.
    2. When Remote Administration is disabled in the remote computers Firewall. Follow the steps below to enable Remote Administration:
      1. Click Start --> Run
      2. Type gpedit.msc and click OK
      3. Expand Computer Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Network --> Network Connections --> Windows Firewall --> Domain Profile.
      4. Right-click Windows Firewall: Allow remote administration exception, and then click Properties.
      5. Click Enabled, and then click OK.
    3. When the "File and Printer Sharing" exception is not added in "Windows Firewall" running in the remote computers.
  • Active directory Tools

    • AD Replication Manager
    • Local Users Manager
    • Empty Password Reporter
    • Password Expiration Notifier
    • Weak Password Users Report
    • PST Migration Tool
    • Active Directory CSV Generator
    • Service Accounts Management Tool
    • Domain Controller Roles Reporter
    • DNS Reporter
    • Duplicates Identifier
    • Domain Controller Monitoring Tool
    • DMZ Port Analyzer
    • Terminal Session Manager
    • Last Logon Reporter
    • Active Directory Query Tool
    • Password Policy Manager
    • SharePoint Manager
  • Free Ping Tool
  • VM Monitor Tool
  • Free Disk Monitor Lite Tool
  • XenServer Health Monitor Tool
  • Free Windows Service Monitor
  • Windows Health Monitor
  • Free Exchange Health Monitor
  • SQL Server Monitoring Tool
  • Free SNMP MIB Browser
  • Free Process Traffic Monitor
  • Free HyperV Performance Monitor
  • Azure Performance Monitor Tool
  • VM Configuration Tool
  • EC2 Monitoring Tool
  • Free Syslog Forwarder
  • Windows SNMP Enabler
  • Windows Admin Tools
Thank you for reaching out! We'll get in touch with you shortly.
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