Patrick BrownIT Support Specialist, Empower MediaMarketing
Our biggest challenge was going to every machine in the company to run the update. Being able to automate patch deployment, this tool saves a lot of time and is worth the money.
Michael R. HaagComputer Services Technician at the Department of Information Technology, County of Madison, New York State
We relied on ManageEngine's patch management to ensure compliance with our patch management policies. ManageEngine's patch management saves us time by patching without physically visiting each computer.
Mahendrasinh B. JadejaSr. Systems Engineer, Muscat Pharmacy & Stores LLC
Managing software updates to security patches using ManageEngine's patch management makes my life very easy as an Administrator to manage 500+ clients with various locations.
Patch Management on Cloud Ensures Zero-Day Exploits At Bay via @ITKE@manageengine@zoho#PatchManagement#PatchManagementOnCloud#PatchManagerPlus#Ramsomware#CyberAttack#ZeroDayExploits